Going Pro as a Reader

So…you’ve been studying Tarot and/or other oracles for awhile, feel confident about your basic card knowledge, and are curious if you are ready to share readings with others. Taking that next step and trusting your blossoming abilities is inevitable, but deserves a great deal of preparation and direction. Following are some basic considerations.

Before putting out your shingle, I recommended that you focus more on experience and practice, practice, practice. Drawing on the willingness of your friends and family to experiment with while honing your style of reading, then developing a reliable repertoire of spreads and tools for various topics will better prepare you for working with the public.

A key question that comes up for most newbie readers is whether to provide typical fortune-telling style readings, or something closer to what I call Transformative Tarot Consulting™. Of course, some readers offer both and beyond. Once you know what your preferred style of reading is, it will boost your confidence for working with clients.

When you have your spread and reading style established, I urge you to consider developing your counseling skills and ethical guidelines for your practice. This will improve the delivery of your service, while aligning with the legal and ethical guidelines and rules expected in your area of practice.

Below I have a list of recommended resources for studying these skills, best backed by practicing with the above mentioned friends and family….bless their little hearts.

Finding an advanced class, workshop, or conference is an excellent way to get personal supervision or experience. Engaging in mentoring sessions with a teacher who best matches your professional goals is ideal. For example, I offer Skype, Facetime, Facebook video, and phone mentoring sessions for students all over the world and customize each session to a topic that meets the goals of my client.

Last, have fun and be true to yourself and your personal goals. Be willing to ask yourself each step of the way, “Is this me?”, to make sure you are following your own path and not what you imagine is expected of a reader. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover where following your inner guidance leads you as a professional reader for the tools of our art can facilitate our greatest teachings.



Professional Tarot Consulting Certificate Course (10 hours of webinars, 300+ pages of handouts, 8-week secret Facebook study group, 30-minute mentoring session & certificate) — Katrina Wynne

Professional Tarot Consulting Program (10 hours of webinars & 300+ pages of handouts) — Katrina Wynne

Advanced Tarot Reading Skills (intuitive skills & reading spreads) — Katrina Wynne

Developing Your Practice (counseling skills & business ideas) — Katrina Wynne


An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling — Katrina Wynne

Professional Tarot — Christine Jette

Fortune Stellar — Christiana Gaudet (OOP, reprint soon)

Medicine Woman’s Guide to Being in Business for Yourself — Carol Bridges

Psychic Counselor’s Handbook — Ralph D. Jordan

Secrets of a Psychic Counselor — Sheilaa Hite


Tarot Counseling, Skills, and Ethics, a free 3-part series by Katrina Wynne (Dec. 2016, Jan. & Feb. 2017) — The Tarot School, Tarot Tips Newsletter

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