2024 – Year of Strength

Guess what?? I’m back as the official StaarCon “Year Card” presenter, where each January (19-21, 2024) I bring to you the annual forecast for the year, based on the major arcana card that matches the numerology of that year.

This is a deep dive into the meaning of this year’s theme, from the mundane to the profound, the personal and collective, to the Universal. You’ll learn things you never knew about the meaning of this Year Card, while being enriched by the variety of illustrations from my dazzling Tarot deck collection through the PowerPoint presentation. Big thanks to all these fabulous artists and allowing us to view their work. And to support your greatest year, I provide a comprehensive list of journaling prompts to help you relate to the energy and opportunity of this image exemplar.

This year we celebrate “VIII Strength” (2+0+2+4=8) which may have a different name or number association in your deck. Let me explain a little first. If you are working with a Waite-Smith deck or their derivatives, Waite switched the 8 and 11 cards in the major sequence. So, the VIII card might be the “Justice” or “Balance” card in your deck. I’ll admit, this energy will be present as well, with emphasis on balance.

Here are a few of the key characteristics of “VIII Strength”, which we’ll be exploring with so many more at StaarCon…as well as in my unique Tarot Journeys with Katrina series”…more info., below.

  • What is it to be Strong?:
    • how is your physical stamina and wellbeing, and
    • what is the source of your inner strength?
  • Contrast between the gentle and the wild:
    • how identified are you with your gentle and respectful sensitivity, and
    • how confident are you when you need to come out with your wilder nature?
  • 8 is a number of balance:
    • What is being balanced in your life…me/you, feminine/masculine, right/wrong, strong/weak, etc.?

Hope to see you in my StaarCon virtual classroom, “2024 VIII Strength – the Power of Centeredness”, at this unique “hybrid” event, where you can attend in-person, if you’re going to West Palm Beach, Florida, USA…or, like me, you can enjoy the conference in cyberspace, with plenty of fun ways to interact with fellow attendees and watch many wonderful presentations, live, and/or for 30 days after the event. Wow, such a deal!!

After the conference, registrants are welcome to join me in my StaarCon “After Glow” session where you are free to ask questions, make comments, and report what you’ve discovered with plenty of time for everyone!

To learn more about Tarot Numerology, please check out my recorded online class…link here.

Ongoing OFFERING… Tarot Journeys with Katrina series” … exploring the Major Arcana cards on multiple levels and very personal ways. Join my “Global Meetup Circle” (GMC) to receive information about these future presentations.

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