Solstice Spread for Manifesting More Light

What a wonderful time we have in our quarterly Solstice/Equinox “Meet & Greet” gathering on my online Meetup group, the “Global Meetup Circle“, where we talk about the latest Tarot news, have a “Show & Tell” with the newest Tarot decks and books, and network around the various offerings we share.

The second half of these meetings is where I share a seasonal Tarot spread, something that just comes to me, channeled from my guidance to guide us over the next season…or year.

Here’s a version of this spread for you…

Solstice Spread for Manifesting More Light

  1. Take your favorite Tarot or oracle deck and go through the deck, quickly, with the cards face up until you have created three piles (don’t think about it…just first impression):
    1. Cards that represent the light of your life right now, how you want to shine.
    2. Cards that represent what blocks your light.
    3. Discard pile.
  2. Review the “Light” pile and narrow it to 1-3 cards.
  3. For each Light card, below it place one “block” card from the second pile.
  4. Notice a theme, a story, that is running down, and/or across the cards.
  5. Write this story in your journal. It can start with, “Once upon a time…”, or “My light shines…., and merges….or, overcomes….(the Block card)”, etc.
  6. Notice how this is a message for your coming season, or year.

This can be fun, but I’d also be open to an enlightening message for you.

Peace and blessings on your journey around our Sun!

Look for our FREE quarterly meetings at this link…here.

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