Facebook entry
25 Random Things about Me
Friday, March 6, 2009

I received this mysterious invitation on Facebook and in the spirit of being more transparent and connected with all, I participated. You may want to try this yourself or make a comment at the end of this page.

Here were the instructions:
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1) Writing, especially revealing writing, is not my favorite thing. Thank goodness for spell check. In order to break my self-imposed glass ceiling I started a weblog: MySacredJourney.org

2) “I’m only 5-foot-1!”

PowWow family3) All my life I’ve wanted to have hair past my hips. Now that I’m over 50 years old, it is in a growth spurt. Dancing with my native sisters at Pow Wow helped me understand the true nature of my hair.

4) My blood has many spirits; Irish, Scottish, English, Welsh, Dutch, German, French, Cherokee, Choctaw, Blackfoot and African. They are all in me, structuring my mind, inspiring my heart, moving my body, guiding my spirit.

5) My Irish ancestry has been traced back to pre-1776 North Carolina. I guess that makes me a “Daughter of the American Revolution” (DAR).

6) I’ve always been an ecstatic dancer. I had so much energy in my 20s I would go dancing three nights a week (Dragon Moon, Catalyst, etc.), ride my bicycle to school the next day (at least 6 miles or more), then dance some more in various dance classes (West African, Modern, Middle Eastern). I also rode my bicycle across the United States, then a few years later across Europe for six months.

7) I never pursued professional dancing for I didn’t want attention from others.

8) In a parallel existence I’m the daughter of Pete Escovedo, and Sheila E. is my twin.

9) I love playing all things percussion, my latest love being Samba. I’ve performed for various parades such as the Solstice/Fremont Fair in Seattle and the Eugene Celebration.

10) A choice point for me was whether to study and take my natural talent for percussion to a professional level, or keep it as a hobby. I chose the later for I could not stand the idea of performing in smoky bars and halls.

11) What about Tarot? My first deck was a gift from my high school buddy, Kurt, a Gizmologist. He had many profound influences on my developing mind. It was a Marseille deck contained in an argyle sock/purse. I couldn’t relate to the imagery in that deck at the time, but it did initiate my journey into learning all things metaphysical. Now I have about 400 Tarot books and 200+ decks. * Update…600+ Tarot books and 400+ decks.

12) When I moved to Oregon in 1991 I was just finishing graduate school with a Masters of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology. Once here, I began to receive requests for teaching Tarot and offering readings. I had never read for others and have strong feelings about the ethics of offering this service, so I called my work “Tarot Counseling” to distinguish it from the stereotypical ideas about reading as Fortune-telling.

13) After receiving many requests for teaching advanced classes I designed the “Transformative Tarot Counseling” Certification Program in order to guide Tarot students through a comprehensive training for professional and ethical work. My preference is for teaching in-person with a strong interactive element, but creating a dynamic telecourse for the Internet is in development. Update – I have a thriving online school, Professional Tarot Consulting Certificate Course, whose program is offered twice per year, March and September.

14) Teaching Tarot is my passion for I see Tarot as a vehicle for spiritual evolution, as well as brief therapy for those who otherwise would not seek counseling, can not afford it, or just need a little nudge to reach out for the support they need as inspired by the Tarot session.

15) I love life, have joy in my heart and love for all.

16) I am a Forest Mystic who is coming out of my forest shell.

Katrina Wynne & Mary Greer

17) Meeting the artists and creators of those things I admire is a special connection.

18) Some of my favorite people in the world are on this Facebook list. Love ya’ll.

Henry Cowell Redwoods 1978

19) In my 20s I immersed myself in the study of photography, art and photojournalism. One day, quite by accident, I met Ansel Adams as he was taking a still (large format 8 x 10) shot of Mission Santa Cruz. I just happened to be in the neighborhood delivering a handmade holiday card to a friend. It was my favorite self-portrait sitting among the redwoods. I boldly gifted it to Adams with my signature and good wishes for his life. I fantasize that it could be in some obscure collection, an enigma to the curator.

20) I’m not a good cook, but I wash a mean dish.

21) Some of you know about my 20+ years of service in public radio. I released this major part of my identity when I moved to Oregon. I was offered a rare opportunity to fill an opening on New Dreamers at KLCC in Eugene, but I declined since it would be such a long commute from the Oregon Coast. Update – I now produce a podcast with my Tarot sista’, Gina ThiesOracleSoup.org.

22) Don’t think I could have gotten through my high school years without the Moody Blues. Their “musical moods” set the tone for the creation of my “Varying Ambiance” electronic music program. There were nights when I would receive phone calls from certain unnamed listeners in Silicon Valley (San Jose, CA area) as they worked on developing the first personal computers and software.

23) Barbara Hand Clow is a Cherokee sister and one of my favorite writers these days. One of the jewels she shared in “Alchemy of Nine Dimensions”, something I’ve known, is that love IS enlightenment. Sex magic, orgone energy, and life force not only make the world go’ round, but move our entire galaxy.

24) I believe in a world where there is no fear…only love.

25) I strongly believe in EQUAL RIGHTS, equal opportunities and responsibilities.

© 2009 Katrina Wynne, all rights reserved. Nothing herein may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, or retransmitted in any media format without express written permission of the author.

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3 thoughts on “25 RANDOM THINGS About Me

  1. Oh how you make me long for Lincoln City, Or.! I lived there for 40years and my son was born there in 1992. I miss it so! Sounds like you are ” real” human being that I would be so great to get to know. I love your hair and it gives me hope that I can get back my waist length hair I had when I was in my teens! I should have listened to my gut and never cut it! I’m 52 now and I will not cut other than a blunt-snip ever again. From an old hippie, you rock!

  2. Pingback: Seven Years of Weblogging! | MY SACRED JOURNEY . . .

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