“As Above, So Below” – A New Look

“We are like a radio tuned in to zero-point field, resonating with the vacuum energy.”
James Oroc, Tryptamine Palace (2009)

In an earlier weblog post, “Brainwaves & Intuition“, I introduced this connection and looked at how this can be applied to reading Tarot, oracles, and other psychic channels. In understanding the vibrational shifts we make (consciously or unconsciously), I find it illuminates our easiest and quickest access to the Divine messages and guidance we seek.

Yet, there is still this mystery about how we tune into the Akashic, or other cosmic libraries or resources to “download” what was beyond our everyday conscious awareness…the above to our below.

Now, let’s look at this concept of being a “channel” as it’s described in quantum physics and human biology…

“The evidence that surfaces, surprising, as it may be, indicates that our brain is not limited to the neural processes that go on…within our cranium — it is a wide-band receiver and high-powered processor of information. This information it receives originates, not only in our own body, but comes from all over the world. The brain’s 10 billion neurons, with 10,000 connections each, constitute the most complex system of electronic organization in the known universe. This system, which operates at the edge of chaos, receives and transforms information from our own body, as well as the electromagnetic, acoustic, and other wave fields in our environment. It also receives and decodes information from more subtle fields, including the vacuum’s, zero-point holofield. Potentially, our brain connects us with the wide reaches of the cosmos.

“As mystics, profits, and people of insight and sensitivity intuited through the ages, our brain is an integral part of the universe, and our mind is a potentially open window on it. It is up to us to throw open that window, to the full extent of our remarkable, but hitherto largely unexplained, physical and mental capacities.”

Ervin Laszlo, Third Millennium: the Challenge and the Vision — The Club of Budapest Report on Creative Paths of Human Evolution, 1997.

Laszlo continues… “For the pertinent findings, speak of a hitherto unsuspected form and level of coherence in nature…. Such connections seem to obtain over all finite distances and finite times, and they suggest that the “nonlocality“ discovered in the microscopic domain of the quantum may extend into the macroscopic domains of life, mind, and the cosmos. Nature, it appears, is made up of a nested hierarchy of nonlocally connected coherent systems.”

So, can we substitute the word “psychic” for “coherence” when engaged in readings? And is coherence something we only limit to readings, or can it be a way of life for all those who wish to be more consciously awake, aligned with Universal consciousness?

This leads me to share something I’ve always taught about working with Tarot and other oracular systems…just the practice of reading is a training for our brains to open to other dimensions.

“I would add that it is the intention of the Tarot’s design to support us to develop our intuitive abilities so, we have more direct access to Divine awareness. Ultimately, we outgrow the need for the cards altogether, like discarded crutches who have served their purpose.”

Katrina Wynne – What is Tarot?

What’s especially fun, as an added dimension, are some of the modern Tarot decks designed to explore the interface between Tarot cards and science, physics, and brain biology…explored in next month’s weblog post.

Graph credit: SHUTTERSTOCK

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