Hawkins and the Levels of Consciousness

At the crossroads between spirituality, philosophy, and psychology, David R. Hawkins was a prolific writer, where he’d share his concepts about consciousness and its relationship to human behavior. I’d like to take a brief look at his 1995 publication, Power vs. Force – The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.

As with my study of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs [see my “Why We Read” article in The Cartomancer Magazine], I’ve been drawn to Hawkins’ “Levels of Consciousness” as he graphs his observations of human nature and spiritual potential as a continuum, from misery to being ineffable, much like with Maslow, but with more detail, and adding numeric value called “Energetic Frequency” to each level for the purpose of measuring the shifts in consciousness, as well as calculating social trends.

In the Tarot we also value the symbolism and use of numbers, especially when utilizing the Kabbalistic methods, to calculate and project trends in a card reading.

Hawkins’ treatise supports my teachings about Tarot and how using the cards can either mirror where the client is in their life, or invite them, like planting a seed, to consider higher dimensions of realization. In other words, I would not describe anyone as stagnant or only functioning on a single level.

Just because a client/sitter appears with a question about the loss of a love (Fear/Grief/Desire = avg. 100), they may also have feelings that stretch from Guilt (30) to Acceptance (350), while the reading may inspire Inner Wisdom and Love (avg. 480). So, adding all these numbers together may leave the reader with an average of 240 for “Neutrality”, rising just above “Courage” (200), which I associate with the “VII The Chariot” card for powerful changes, and the initiator of shifting from Fear to Love.

Day-to-day, moment-to-moment our moods, feelings, thoughts, and awareness can shift. This is where I appreciate the idea of calculating and averaging one’s momentary moods. Yet, also note if you are stuck in a mood, or not able to leave a level. If Shame (20) is something you carry around with you on the inside, while appearing to be Joyous (540) on the outside…beware of fooling yourself or spiritual bypass…for it’s all about your inner you…not the facade, which is an act of manipulation.

Here is the simple shortcut to awareness, as taught by A Course in Miracles, and represented in Hawkins’ graph…ask yourself each moment…do I feel Fear, or Love? Is this thought one of love? Was my reaction from fear? This is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself, if you are interested in raising your vibration and finding more peace and meaning in life.

I’ll leave you with a fun activity that I’m also engaged in with this graph….see how many Tarot cards you can “pin” to this graph to represent the different moods and vibrations. I look forward to reading your responses.

Graph credit: John Mures

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