Conductor for Love

Recently, while sharing with some Tarot friends, I was inspired to make the following statement…

“A Tarot Reader is a Conductor for Love”

What is your first impression…what does it mean to you?

So, what do I mean when I say that phrase? Here are some of my thoughts and feelings…and just in time for Valentine’s Day here in the US…Haha.

My first thought was about how the Tarot cards, themselves, are messengers of “love”, in its many colors and expressions.

For example, we have VI The Lovers which is clearly about loving relationships, partnership, connecting, and so much more. But, what about XVI The Tower? How can a sudden change in our established security force us to dig deeper, inside, to dissolve old ego attachments, and to connect with the love-light force that is always around and within us? Could this be a form of “tough love?”

Another way I view the Tarot cards, especially the major cards, is that they are a story about falling out of the grace of love, the “Garden of Eden” as expressed in some traditions, then moving through these “22 Shades of Love” back to Source. Yes…I’m quoting myself, again…Haha!

Now for the “Tarot Reader” aspect of this quote. I find that to conduct a reading, being a conduit for unconditional love, compassion, and support for the querent/sitter is the most desirable atmosphere. It allows for all possibilities, without prejudice/judgment.

The result of this atmosphere is inviting the querent/sitter to also resonate with love, within their beingness, beyond judgment or limitation, open to life with all its ups and downs, ins and outs, joys and sorrows.

Tarot is truly a journey of love, from my perspective, and an invitation to travel with the Tarot as your guide.

Image: The Heart Tarot by Maria Distefano (OOP)

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