Love Letter to Rachel Pollack

Rachel Pollack…the “High Priestess of Tarot!” That’s the way I’ve lovingly viewed your role in our Tarot community. You help us peek beyond the veil.

That’s the way I first met you, Rachel, in 1999 at the International Tarot Society (ITS)…as Kether, the Crown in the living “Tree of Life” exercise that we were guided through by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero, based on their book, “Experiencing the Kabbalah.”

My next hang out was with the funny Rachel at the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium (SF BATS) 2009, as you drew a few of us presenters into a game of “Poker” with a Tarot deck…such fun betting with pennies!

There’s been many wonderful opportunities to be with you, whether teaching, or at your booth selling unique beaded necklaces you made, such as at Reader’s Studio in NY…which I’m so proud to wear, as seen in our “featured” photo, together with Mary K. Greer (photo taken with my iPad by Judith Zoe Matoff, Rachel’s beloved wife, and seen in the photo, below).

My favorite book you’ve written is The Kabbalah Tree, deeply inspired by Hermann Haindl’s Tarot deck. This journey touched my soul and has guided me in many ways.

What a delight to be chosen for a Birthday reading at Readers Studio ’17 when you and Robert Place introduced your amazing “Raziel Tarot” majors deck, and delivered a special message for my year. This was followed by a wonderful conversation with me and my co-host Gina Thies for our podcast, Oracle Soup.

Montreal, QC, Canada 2019 – photo by Katrina Wynne

My most fond memories of you, Rachel, besides the obvious awe of experiencing your presentations, is just hanging out in Montreal, QC, Canada for the Light & Love International Tarot Conference (produced by David Lacopo), and then at the Northwest Tarot Symposium (NWTS) in Portland, OR, when I’d drive you around with the mission of scouting a unique stationery store, so you could find the perfect fountain pen for your next book. Little known fact about you, …Rachel writes every book by hand in a separate, bound notebook with a new fountain pen…her personal ritual. I love unique office supplies as well, so it was really fun for me too as we discovered these specialty stores.


Montreal, QC, Canada 2019 – photo by Katrina Wynne


Our Tarot community is one that loves Tarot AND all our friends who share this feeling…so Rachel, you are so loved for your contributions to our expanding connections. Please take this love with you as you transform…from the (Non-) “XX Judgment” card to the “XXI World/Universe” card, completing your full circle journey…for you…and for us all.

With eternal love and appreciation, Katrina Wynne

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