Going Pro with Tarot™ – Progress Report

Hey folks…remember my January post about upcoming events for 2024? I’ve been working diligently and intensely on producing my new online school, Going Pro with Tarot™ (GPwT) and wanted to include you in my progress reports…and why this process is taking so long…ugh.

Creating a completely new online format for learning, with unique incremental steps, holding your hand along the way, while having the flexibility of a self-paced program has taken many months of planning and designing. You won’t find this style of learning Tarot anywhere else online, and it’s the next best thing to being together in person.

Each GPwT level (I-IV) is designed as a 6-week audiovisual online training program that teaches you how to increase your skills and read cards—Tarot and other oracles—with certainty, as well as fun! Plus, I speak to beginners and experienced readers, alike…something new for everyone.

Katrina “Spinning Plates”

Ideally, I wanted to unveil the Level I – Foundation for Reading by the end of April, but due to overriding tasks and plates to spin, could only get as far as producing the “Introduction“, which, by the way, is free and available now…at this link. It’s been a huge learning curve for me to figure out the technical details of producing this type of format, for which I’ve invested close to a year, but I think you’ll be thrilled with the results.

If you’re eager to get started, you can try out this format NOWlink here… and let me know what you like, your suggestions for improvements, and be on the list for future updates on the progress and release of the following modules:

Level I – Foundation for Reading – taking you from my unique knowledge of the cards to feeling confident about offering readings to friends and family. (due in August, but hope to be done by the end of June)

Level II – Metaphysical Mysteries – everything and more that you may need to read the astrological, Kabbalistic, and alchemical symbols and methods of reading with Tarot. (due by October)

Level III – Transformative Reading – this is my special brand and style of reading that takes clients/sitters to a whole notha’ level of experience for a very transformative reading. (due in February of 2025)

Levels I – III – I highly recommend this bundle, for it covers everything you need to prepare to be a professional reader, plus has a nice discount built into the price…on top of the special discount…below.

Level IV – Business for Readers – This is for all metaphysical consultants, showing you the modern ropes of how to identify and reach our ideal customers. (due by the end of 2025)

SPECIAL OFFER!!! Big Discount right NOWlink here

There’s so much that goes into producing each of the 6-week programs and the cost of production keeps increasing…so take advantage of my current prices today, for they are going up the end of June. You’ll be the first to view the new format, plus have both of my ears listening to your recommendations for improvements (within the limitations of this format…challenges I’ve been navigating along the way and what initially slowed down this process).

So excited to share this new online school with you…using this new format that grows with us…

PS…the program will continue to grow while you have ongoing access to it along with the updates…a real investment in yourself and your learning!

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